22 Kids and Counting S06E01 - GroomzillaSummary:We're back with a brand-new series following the lives of Britain's Biggest Family, the Radfords! It's been forever since a Radford wedding but, at long last, one is coming! Noel and Sue's third eldest daughter Millie is tying the knot with boyfriend Harley. But with the stresses of life, work and children, their relationship is put under pressure. And with differing opinions about what venue, what dress and what ring, will they get as far as the aisle? When Harley loses his job, the wedding gets put on hold. Their future suddenly looks bleak. But it's time to shine a light on family, and the true meaning of marriage, and who better to help than Noel and Sue? |
h! 22 Kids and Counting (S06E01) TECHNiCAL iNFORMATiON
Info..: 2025.01.05, Docu, 45m24s @ 1.20 GiB 26x50mb
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