Surgeons: A Matter of Life or Death S02E01 - Episode 1Summary:With remarkable access to the University Hospitals Birmingham - one of Britain's leading NHS trusts - this new series features some of the most ground-breaking surgical procedures being performed in the UK. Each life-saving or life-changing operation involves split-second decision-making against a constant risk to life. Sajid has a massive aneurysm just above his heart that could burst at any moment. And if it bursts, he would bleed to death. Margaret needs an urgent operation to remove a tumour from the lining of her brain. |
h! Surgeons A Matter of Life or Death (S02E01) TECHNiCAL iNFORMATiON
Info..: 2025.01.09, Docu, 45m20s @ 1.08 GiB 24x50mb
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